London Calling 2023[tab]=day2

Thidathip Wongsurawat, Siriraj Long-read Lab, Mahidol University, Thailand

Talk title

Rapid identification of bacterial invasion in the amniotic cavity: full-length 16S or adaptive sampling?



Amniotic infections can cause preterm birth and serious complications for both mother and baby. Early detection and diagnosis are crucial, but traditional methods can be slow and miss some cases. Using two different nanopore technology targeted sequencing approaches, we amplified full-length 16S rRNA and applied adaptive sampling to detect bacteria directly from clinical research specimens. The full-length 16S rRNA method enriched any bacteria that 16S primers could capture and allowed us to identify species and report polymicrobial species that the Sanger method could not. We also tried adaptive sampling to deplete host DNA and identified Prevotella sp. within 15 minutes of sequencing. In the same day, we obtained the complete genome of the bacteria and identified antimicrobial resistance genes using the sequence data. Our research demonstrates the potential use of nanopore-based bacterial identification methods to diagnose amniotic infections.



Dr. Thidathip Wongsurawat (Tip) received her PhD from Nanyang Technological Singapore. She is currently the Group Leader of Siriraj Long-read Lab in the Faculty of Medicine at Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand. Tip's research interest focuses on utilizing nanopore sequencing technology combined with bioinformatics data analysis in pathogen detection as well as cancer research, with the primary goal of translating novel ideas and approaches into clinical reality. She has trained students, researchers, and physicians to use nanopore technology to sequence the genomes and transcriptomes of viruses, bacteria, fungi, plants, mice, and human cell lines, clinical samples, as well as the metagenome from different types of clinical samples.


Recent publications

Chaemsaithong, P. et al. Rapid diagnosis of intra-amniotic infection using nanopore-based sequencing. J. Perinat. Med. (2022).

Kruasuwan, K. et al. Nanopore sequencing discloses compositional quality of commercial probiotic feed supplements. Scientific Reports 13(4540) (2023). DOI:



Cancer research, Education, Infectious disease, Metagenomics, Microbiology, Microbiome



MinION Mk1B, MinION Mk1C, GridION, PromethION P2/P2 Solo, Flongle, Q20+, R10 Flow Cells, R9 Flow Cells, Adaptive sampling, Cas9 targeted sequencing, Short fragment mode

Thidathip Wongsurawat